PLM can assist with Rent Review negotiations on behalf of clients, assessing correct current market value of the leased accommodation and utilising extensive knowledge of the commercial property market to achieve the best possible result.

Although no leases have provision for a reduction in rent at review, in circumstances when it can be proved that the current market value has fallen, the reviewed rent can be held at the existing level or a minimal increase negotiated. We would be delighted to assist old and new clients with these complex negotiations.

Dilapidation Liabilities at the end of a lease can sometimes come as unexpected shock, either because companies/organisations have forgotten the clause in their lease and on re-reading it discover their liabilities/costs could be quite considerable.

It is very important to ensure that a Dilapidation Schedule is prepared by your Landlord sufficiently in advance of your lease expiry date to allow for negotiation. In most cases commissioning professional assistance with such negotiations can limit extremely painful capital outlay at a time when finances are stretched to cover the costs of relocation.